Home Finding Your Life PartnerFinding Love Over 40 Is He Really Dissing Women Over 50?

Is He Really Dissing Women Over 50?

written by Lisa Copeland January 30, 2019
Is He Really Dissing Women Over 50?

What a way to start the new year. . .

French author, 50-year-old Yann Moix, came out recently with the comment he would be “incapable” of loving women his own age.

He believes a woman in her 20’s has an extraordinary body, something he feels is not true about a woman in her 50’s. Boy did he catch the ire of the world. And rightfully so.

Women over 50 are still beautiful and can still have pretty good bodies. Why can’t all men see this?

Well, it goes like this: Men have always been attracted to shiny hair and youthful bodies. Why? Because older men are still capable of having children and to have children they need a younger woman to make that happen.

I’m sure you’ve heard about a man ending a marriage one day and the next having a young woman on his arm. And I’m sure you see men posting on their profiles, “I want a woman who is between 30-40,” when he’s 55, 60, or even 70.

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