Home The Ultimate RelationshipPersonal Development & Transformation 9 Ways to Shift from a Competitive Mind to a Creative One

9 Ways to Shift from a Competitive Mind to a Creative One

written by Dina Marais October 30, 2019
9 Ways to Shift from a Competitive Mind to a Creative One

In my studies of creating a purposeful prosperous business, I have read and integrated the principles that Wallace D. Wattles described in his book, the Science of Getting Rich. This is also the book that the movie The Secret was based on. Of course, reading this book and integrating the principles is an ongoing process.

The overarching principle or law that Wattles puts forward is that of being in the Creative Mind and not the Competitive Mind.

When we are in the Creative Mind, we are in harmony with the Creative Substance or Source, God, Higher Power, or what it is to you.

This then qualifies the following principle that the Supply is Unlimited. Whatever you desire is yours to create by using your imagination – impressing and holding an image of what you desire in your mind, plus thinking about it and feeling grateful for it, until it shows up in your life.

There is then no need to compete or think that someone else is going to ‘get there first’ and beat you to it.

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