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7 Essential Steps to Leap into Entrepreneurship

written by Bobby Umar October 23, 2018
7 Essential Steps to Leap into Entrepreneurship

Starting a business can be a scary thing. You give up the stability (albeit perceived) of a steady income with benefits. You put your career on hold. You sacrifice significant time and energy for the first several years just to get up to your former corporate salary. You enter a risky area where most people fail within five years.

So, the real question should be, “Is it worth it?”

I am here to say, “Yes!”

Do you really want your life’s legacy to be “Working for someone else, building someone else’s assets”?

Let’s start with why you need to make it happen. The benefits of having your own business are plenty.

These include:
  • You get to be the boss
  • Unlimited income potential
  • Flexible schedule
  • Choice of who you work with
  • Power, control, authority, title, and status
  • Tax write-offs
  • You get to do what you love

Convinced now? Anyone who is considering taking that entrepreneurial jump must plan to implement the following strategies. Note that there are always exceptions, but these are essential to increasing your chance for business success. These tips may also help you to avoid losing focus, faith or money.

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