Tired of trying to figure out if someone really likes you or not? Maryanne Comaroto, PhD, gives 6 tips to spot a leaker or a liker.
He loves me, he loves me not, he loves me… and her, too? I can’t tell you how many times friends or clients have complained about their disenchanting, painful encounters with “leakers.” Men and women who seem so great at first, almost too good to be true and then…wham, bam, ouch, waah…
A Leaker
What’s a leaker, you ask? Or maybe you already know. Maybe you are one. For those who don’t know, it’s a term I adopted from my father, tweaked, and used liberally when appropriate. It describes someone who leaks their sexual energy—and not in a “good way”—someone who wants you to want them, who enjoys and prefers the chase, the hunt, the rush, and the kill.