We all have that one friend that swears she’s unlucky at love.
Maybe you know someone who always seems to make the same relationship mistakes, attracting the wrong guy: the guy who can’t commit, the guy who won’t be faithful, or the guy who is already taken.
And you may have repeating patterns in your own relationships that keep you wondering, “Why does this always happen to me?”
The author, Frank Sonnenberg, writes:
Lessons in life will be repeated until they are learned.
My client, Janell, grew up in a household with a father that was a bully. He was always angry about something, and it was always someone else’s fault, so it was often her mother, herself, or one of her siblings that was on the receiving end of that anger.
There were degrees to her father’s anger…sometimes he was quiet and somber with his glass of scotch on the rocks, but you could tell he didn’t want company so everyone kept their distance. Other times, his anger was direct and specific, aimed at someone in particular.
Making the Same Mistake
Janell married young.
And she married a bully. She was used to a certain amount of anger, thinking that was normal in a man. Unfortunately, she was also used to hiding when necessary, denying her own needs, and making herself and her personality as small as possible.