Home The Ultimate RelationshipPersonal Development & Transformation 5 Simple Steps To Overcome Creative Blocks

5 Simple Steps To Overcome Creative Blocks

Taught by a Two-Year-Old

written by Eugene K. Choi May 24, 2019
Overcome Creative Blocks

It was around 3 A.M., and I woke up to my wife’s voice.

“Hubby? I think my water broke.”

I jolted up and started gathering our things to get ready to go to the hospital.

Later that night, after twenty-two hours of labor, we welcomed our daughter, Nora, into the world. I got all the medical staff to sing happy birthday to her, and this was the moment we began our journey into parenthood.

It changed my life for the better, and I’m about to tell you why.

Overcoming Creative Blocks

I’ve felt stuck more times than I can count. If your brain was ever constipated like mine, you know the frustration from staying up at night trying to figure out the solution to something you are working on.

I’ve been trying for years to figure my life out. I would try a little bit of everything, but I gave up when it got hard. When you have bills to pay, good benefits, and are due for a pay raise, you tend to put your passions in the back seat.

I was a filmmaker, writer, musician, wannabe real estate investor, humanitarian, and a pharmacist. In other words, I had no idea what I was doing with my life so I tried everything I could think of.

When my daughter, Nora, came into the picture, it turned my world upside down. I knew she had a lot to learn, but I was the one learning the most from her those days.

The more time I spent with her, the more I learned about how children’s behaviors are some of the key strategies to help you get over creative blocks.

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