Home The Ultimate RelationshipPersonal Development & Transformation 4 Ways to Use Your Body to Become Unstoppable!

4 Ways to Use Your Body to Become Unstoppable!

written by Dina Marais September 25, 2018
4 Ways to Use Your Body to Become Unstoppable!

In one of my blog posts, It’s All in Your Way of Being, I wrote about different practices to focus your mind by stepping into a mind-body state of the “who you need to become” in order manifest your vision.

However, mind-body states are made up of mind and body. That means that the mind and body is one system and that we only separate them linguistically to distinguish the roles they play.

What many people don’t know is that your nervous system runs through your brain and your body. So as much as your brain is a broadcasting and reception station, the same goes for your body.

As your thoughts are energy and instantaneously affect your physiology – thereby creating an energy field and vibration – so too does your body affect your thoughts and create an energy field.

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