Home Relationship With Your Life PartnerSustainable Relationships 3 Outdated Relationship Rules That Need To Die

3 Outdated Relationship Rules That Need To Die

written by Sarah Williams January 22, 2019
3 Outdated Relationship Rules That Need To Die

There are no rules in dating. Actually, there are a thousand relationship rules, but there shouldn’t be. Why do we put guidelines on everything? Why do we have sexist limitations on what we, as women, can and can’t do when it comes to our love lives?

Society is cruel, predictable, and quite boring. I, for one, refuse to sit around waiting for a man to make stuff happen.

There might be “rules” to dating, but that doesn’t mean we have to follow them.

Here are 3 rules that are totally outdated, and should die a quick, painless death.

1. Women Shouldn’t Make the First Move.

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