Home The Ultimate RelationshipMind & Spirit 2019: Being Reachable and Teachable

2019: Being Reachable and Teachable

Part One

written by Sharita Star December 28, 2018
2019: Being Reachable and Teachable

This is part one of a two-part series.

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Year 3 of the Universal New Year

There is reachable and teachable energy within our current 9-year cycle.

The year 2018 leaves its distinctive mark on many across the globe. Everyone witnessed more than their fair share of duality, overwhelming emotions, unbalanced situations, creative imagination, paternal pains, worries, and most importantly, opportunities for healing.

Overall, the theme of 2018 was Feeling the Feminine. It showed us the divine and cooperative light within our human experience that changed our perspectives and direction during the past 12 months.

Our human experience now shifts during 2019 into a new, energetic cycle that collectively coexists alongside our spiritual being, seeking to align us in the rhythm of three.

No matter what the energy of the world at large is, remember your life is always your individual and unique human experience, via your own Personal Forecast.

2019’s Global Forecast

It’s time to activate aspiration, honesty, and being reachable and teachable into our practices. In the 12 months of 2019, our preferred choice is to make sure our body, mind, and soul are in touch and working in unison.

We cannot ignore the things we must do to gain wisdom, for it will only block the flow of abundance that is naturally meant to come toward us. Our specific goals and aspirations still belong to us, despite all that will attempt to distract us, which always needs to be carefully filtered.

2019’s overall theme is, undeniably, about eliminating the lower energy of being the victim and no longer allowing sacrifice to be anyone’s end result.
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