Home Family & SocietyFamily Dynamics 20 Secrets You Learn When Becoming a Grandparent

20 Secrets You Learn When Becoming a Grandparent

written by Edie Weinstein April 2, 2020
20 Secrets You Learn When Becoming a Grandparent

RD&T contributing writer, Edie Weinstein, reveals 20 secrets you learn when you become a grandparent.

When you think of being a grandparent, you probably imagine hugs, cuddles, and kisses 24/7. And while all of these things are certainly part of what it’s like when your children have children, it’s not all fun and games. The restraint you have to exhibit and the reflection you end up doing on your own parenting — well, that’s harder to brace yourself for when becoming a grandparent.

I, myself, have experienced myriad emotions since finding out my son, Adam, and my daughter-in-law, Lauren, will be welcoming a baby boy — a mixture of delight and excitement combined with incredulity. My tow-headed cutie pie is now a 32-year-old man about to take on the role of parent to my first grandchild! In preparation for my grandson’s arrival, I talked to friends who are grandparents and did some soul-searching and research of my own to come up with some grandparenting secrets nobody tells you (though they absolutely should).

Grandparenting Secrets

1. You will need to stay in shape to keep up with those bundles of energy.

Before you become a first-time grandparent, create a workout routine that involves running, stretching, and lifting since these are activities that you will be doing when spending time with your grandkids. Increase your stamina and take naps as needed. (It’s OK if you enjoy them more than the kids do.)

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