Home Relationship With Your Life PartnerLove Sex & Permanent Passion 12 Ways to Give Your Partner an Emotional Orgasm

12 Ways to Give Your Partner an Emotional Orgasm

written by Carly Spindel November 18, 2020
12 Ways to Give Your Partner an Emotional Orgasm

Yes, emotional orgasms are a thing, and they’re just what they sound like: A “wow” moment that leads to ongoing contentment in a relationship.

Generally, emotional orgasms occur when you reach a peak of happiness, satisfaction, and pleasure – all at once! And while we don’t often refer to them by name, emotional orgasms are an absolute necessity in any romantic relationship. Whether you’re newly dating, contently committed, or married, here are 12 ways to make sure your partner is having non-stop emotional orgasms!

1.  Don’t criticize the small stuff.

There’s nothing worse than picking on your partner – or being picked on – for small, inconsequential things. It creates tension, unease, and resentment, so check yourself whenever you have the urge to criticize, belittle, or pick over minor instances. If something is really bothering you, have an adult conversation about it rather than endlessly nagging: You’ll get results much quicker.

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