Home The Ultimate RelationshipBusiness & Leadership 11 Ways to Be the Best Leader and Inspire a Great Team

11 Ways to Be the Best Leader and Inspire a Great Team

written by Dr. Carol Morgan May 6, 2020
11 Ways to Be the Best Leader and Inspire a Great Team

So you’re the leader of a team now! Congratulations! Perhaps you’re a brilliant computer programmer, but if you suddenly got promoted to be a manager you will need an entirely different skill set. Great leaders have good social skills, and they are adaptable. Here are 11 more things you can do to make sure you are the best leader possible.

11 Ways to Be a Great Leader

1. Listen Effectively

Organizations value communication. But some leaders think they “know it all” because they are the “one in charge” so they don’t have to listen to their team members. However, this creates a negative atmosphere. Everyone wants their voice to be heard. So when your employees talk to you, lean forward, look into their eyes, nod, and then reflect back what they say to you. For example, if a team member just told you that a customer is angry and she is frustrated and confused about how to deal with him, you can paraphrase back to her and say, “What I hear you telling me is that you don’t know what to say to this customer to make him happy, and you would like my help. Am I correct?” This helps the employee feel valued.

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