Home The Ultimate RelationshipLifestyle 11 Crimes Against Yourself You Need to Let Go of to Prosper

11 Crimes Against Yourself You Need to Let Go of to Prosper

written by Dina Marais October 4, 2018
11 Crimes Against Yourself You Need to Let Go of to Prosper

The more I study the science of success and prosperity, and the more I see the difference it has made and is still making in my life and business, the more I realize what a tragedy life is for most people as they sentence themselves to life-imprisonment for committing these crimes against themselves.

All these crimes are related as either effects or causes of each other. Fortunately, when stopping these crimes, we free ourselves to live a life of joy, success, prosperity, health and bliss. Take an honest look at your life and see which of these crimes still hold you captive.

Living in the Past

If you have the same 65,000 thoughts every day, then you are literally living in the past. This is the case if you don’t even remember having most of these thoughts because of the extent that you are running on autopilot.

Actually, your body is just going through the motions of your daily routine of doing the same things, seeing the same people. Nothing changes. It’s like you are playing the same film reel every day. You have written the script and are playing the same scenes over and over again, just like an actor in your movie.

The same scenarios of lack, fear, unhappiness, depression, boredom, etc. present themselves, and the same expectations are projected into the future, creating self-fulfilling prophecies of this same cycle. The subconscious mind wants to keep things familiar and creates the circumstances that create the same situations.

This changes immediately when you decide to take charge of your life, snap out of autopilot, become conscious, and deliberately write a new script for your new lead role in a new life you desire.

Victim Mode

Living in victim mode often stems from a childhood where parents are overprotective and take responsibility for the child in totality. That means the parent oversteps the boundary of responsibility by rescuing the child from all opportunities of learning from their mistakes.

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