Home The Ultimate RelationshipMind & Spirit 10 Ways the Universe Sends You Messages

10 Ways the Universe Sends You Messages

written by Laura Saltman March 9, 2020
10 Ways the Universe Sends You Messages

Okay, let’s be honest here. How many times have you stopped to ponder for just one second if the Universe was actually trying to send you a message? You get goosebumps. You hear a song on the radio that instantly reminds you of someone you love or who has passed away. Or perhaps, you pause for a second and wonder if that “coincidence” which just happened was actually not a random occurrence at all.

No Such Thing as Coincidence

Divine intelligence always has a plan. Whether you know (or believe) it or not, our metaphysical side is shouting to be heard and to remind you of your soul purpose which is Love. We are just so busy with our everyday life and distractions we simply don’t pay enough attention to our signs and messages. But they are there. They are always there. The trick is to figure out what the Universe is trying to tell you.

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